The Airway Hucus Institute

  • Date of Establishment : September 1, 2004
  • Director : Joo Heon YOON, M.D., Ph.D.
  • Number of Researchers : 22
  • Main Research Areas
    • Basic research
      • Development of new pharmaceutical agents to overcome mucus hypersecretion, a major problem in respiratory diseases
      • Complete cDNA sequencing of mucin gene 8 (MUC8) (Gen Bank:BK005559) - patent pending
      • Signaling pathway of cytokine-induced MUC8 gene expression
      • MUC8 transgenic mice
      • Signaling pathway of cytokine-induced lysozyme gene expression
      • Regulation of MUC5AC and MUC5B
      • Function of ion transporters in airway epithelial cells
      • Establishment of culture method of normal human nasal and middle ear epithelial cells
      • Regulation of the differentiation of respiratory epithelium Proteomic analysis during mucociliary or squamous differentiation
    • Clinical Research
      • Development of a slow-releasing type of topical antibiotic using nanotechnology for patients after operation of sinusitis or otitis media instead of oral antibiotics: Collaboration with the Nanosphere Process and Technology Laboratory (Professor Jung-Hyun Kim)
      • Development of artificial respiratory epithelium