Urological Science Institute

  • Date of Establishment : December 1, 1994
  • Director : Sung Joon HONG, M.D., Ph.D.
  • Number of Researchers : 71
  • Main Research Areas

    Our institute, initially established as the "Institute of Andrology" in 1994, has changed its name to the Urological Science Institute to reflect a wider, more extensive range of research.

    • Oncology
      Recently, new minimally invasive surgical techniques were widely developed and applied to clinical research in the field of urological cancer surgery. We developed a new surgical technique called Video-Assisted Minilaparotomy Surgery(VAMS) and surgical instruments used in that technique with the help of Thompson Co.,USA, and we are continuously trying to improve and develop new techniques and instruments. Such novel surgical techniques along with diagnostic techniques which enable early diagnosis are expected to be useful and widely applied in the treatment of renal cell carcinoma, renal pelvis tumors and adrenal gland tumors In addition to the study of the anti-angiogenetic effect of the COX-2 inhibitor in superficial bladder cancer, research on the angiogenesis of renal cell carcinoma in animal models, gene therapy in cancer patients and appropriate selection of an effective treatment modality in hormone refractory prostate cancer are in progress.
    • Pediatrics
      We have researched video-urodynamic and urodynamic study in patients with variable voiding symptom(in non-neurogenic and neurogenic bladders). We have also performed biofeedback therapy and intravesical electrical stimulation (IVES) in nonneurogenic and neurogenic bladder patients. Our research includes studies on areflexic neurogenic bladder, lazy bladder biofeedback therapy, and overactive bladder. Currently, we are trying to perform pelvic floor magnetic stiumlation (ExMi) for the treatment of overactive bladder.
    • Endourology
      Endoscopic diagnosis and treatment of patients with hemospermia and some prostate cancer patients using transutricula seminal vesiculoscopy is being investigated.
    • Sexology and Infertility
      Our object is to conduct research in the field of sexual disorders, their etiology and prevention as well as new diagnostic and therapeutic modalities through cooperative research of sexual function and dyfunction with regard to basic and clinical medicine.
      In addition, new diagnostic and treatment modalities for male and female sexual dysfunction, the pathophysiology and treatment of premature ejacualtion, and endocrine disrupters anre also being investigated.
      Another area of interest is the activation of spermatogenesis in oligoasthenospermia patients, the histologic changes of the testis and the effect of continuous artificial ejaculation on sperm motility after experimental spinal cord injury.